
Getting a Tooth Implant Procedure: The Key to Preserving Your Beautiful Smile

Your smile is one of the greatest assets that you have, and taking care of it should be your top priority. However, when a tooth gets damaged or falls out, it can have a significant impact on your confidence and overall well-being. One of the most effective ways to restore a lost tooth and keep your smile looking its best is by getting a tooth implant. If you’re considering this procedure, read on to find out what you need to know and how it can help you preserve your beautiful smile.

What Can an Emergency Dentist Do for You?

Dental emergencies happen unexpectedly and can be quite scary. Pain, injury, and trauma to your teeth or gums can cause discomfort and anxiety. In such a situation, you must turn to an emergency dentist who can promptly care for your dental problems. In this blog post, we will explain what an emergency dentist can do for you in dental emergencies. Pain Relief: One of the primary reasons people visit emergency dentists is that they are experiencing severe dental pain.

Why Consider Denture Implants Over Other Dental Restoration Devices

When it comes to restoring missing teeth, denture implants have become an increasingly popular option. While there are several dental restoration devices available, denture implants offer unique advantages that make them a preferred choice for many people. This article discusses why you should consider denture implants over other dental restoration devices. Stability and Functionality One of the main reasons to choose denture implants is their superior stability and functionality. Unlike conventional dentures that may slide or move, denture implants are firmly attached to your jawbone, ensuring a secure and stable fit.

4 Reasons Floss Picks Are Great for Younger Children

Children should really start to floss as soon as they have teeth that touch each other — at this point, plaque will be able to start developing in areas a toothbrush cannot reach. However, teaching a child to floss properly can be tough, and they can have trouble doing a good job even when they know what they are supposed to do. One way to help them out is by providing floss picks instead of traditional floss.

5 Ways Grinding Your Teeth Can Impact Your Oral Health

Chronic tooth grinding, which is more properly known as ‘bruxism’, is a condition that can be caused by anything from stress to misaligned teeth, and it’s often something people don’t even know they are doing since grinding usually occurs while they sleep. While mild grinding doesn’t usually require treatment, the condition can eventually damage your oral health, so it’s worth talking to your dentist if you think you may be suffering.

Understanding Your Child's Dental Health Needs

Taking care of your child’s dental health is essential to their overall health and well-being. As a parent, you need to understand the basics of children’s dental health so that you can accurately support your child throughout the different stages of their dental development. From the first tooth to braces, this blog post will guide you through some tips on how to keep your child’s teeth healthy and strong. Establishing Healthy Habits Early On

Bleeding After Brushing? See Your Dentist

Bleeding gums after you’ve brushed your teeth should lead you to ask a couple of questions. Did you brush or floss particularly hard—hard enough to cut your gums? If yes, be more careful next time. If no, move on to the next question: when was your last dental examination? If it’s further in the past than you’ll care to admit, you may have discovered the reason for your bleeding gums.

3 Types Of Dental Services You Might Need

Dental services are a must for taking care of your mouth, teeth and gums. From regular checkups to more advanced treatments, there are various services your dentist can provide to keep your mouth healthy. Here are three standard dental services you might require at some point. Cosmetic Dental Services If you have dental issues that are purely aesthetic, such as discoloured or misshapen teeth, you may benefit from cosmetic dental services.

What to Do After a Tooth Avulsion Accident

While you may not fancy visiting a dentist for emergency dental care, dental emergencies are a fact of life, and like everyone else, you never know when they will happen. What you should do in a dental emergency situation depends on the specific issue you are facing and its related symptoms. An avulsed or knocked-out tooth is one of the scariest dental emergencies you may face at some point in life.

3 Situations That Warrant a Visit to the Emergency Dentist

Are you wondering what exactly warrants a visit to the emergency dentist and what can be left until your next regular checkup? As a general rule, if one of your teeth is badly damaged, you’re in a lot of pain, or you’re experiencing unexplained swelling, you need to be seen as soon as possible. Keep reading for details on why it’s important not to ignore these issues. If in doubt, it never hurts to call your dentist for advice before making an appointment.

How to Support Your Child with Their New Braces

Getting braces can be a really exciting opportunity for your child, giving them healthy, straight teeth. However, it can also be a big adjustment and hard to get used to. This guide explains three things you can do to support your child as they adjust to their new braces. Work Closely with Their Orthodontist The first thing you should do to support your child is to work closely with their orthodontist.

A Guide to Flourishing Dental Health for Your Kids

Dental health is one of the most critical aspects of your overall health. A good strategy is to invest in maintaining your dental health as early as possible and instil good, healthy habits in your kids from an early age. Your kids are more likely to maintain helpful dental health practices even when they’re older if you expose them to sound, hygienic practices at a young age.  Here’s how you can instil essential dental health practices to ensure the good health of your kids.

2 Common Types of Dental Implants

Many people suffer tooth loss due to periodontal disease, injuries, or tooth decay. In the past, the only solution to this problem was dentures and bridges. Nowadays, dental implant treatment offers a much-welcome lasting solution for missing teeth. Dental implants are artificial roots that a dentist inserts into a jawbone. The device creates a base to support artificial teeth (dental crowns).  Discover two main types of dental implants that seek to restore your missing teeth.

4 Reasons Dentists Use Dental Crowns

Dental crowns have a variety of uses. From improving the appearance of imperfect teeth to protecting teeth from decay, dentists use these versatile dental prosthetics for many reasons. Here are a few of the most common. 1. Protecting a Badly Decayed Tooth When a tooth is affected by decay, a dentist usually repairs the damage by drilling out the infected part of the tooth and then applying a dental filling. However, when the decay affects a large part of the tooth, a filling might not be enough to seal it against further damage.

Less Obvious Benefits of Relining Loose Dentures

Dentures are just one of the many solutions to replacing lost teeth. Once installed, dentures restore your smile and help you enjoy your favourite meals — although not hard foods. Notably, you should go for denture relining immediately you feel the devices becoming loose. Denture relining restores comfort for most patients, prevents oral irritation and sore spots, improves oral hygiene and promotes proper chewing. However, these are just some of the most obvious benefits of relining loose dentures.

4 Cleaning Tips for Dental Implants

Keeping dental implants clean is essential to maintaining your oral health. Without regular cleaning, plaque can develop on the implants, allowing bacteria to breed in the mouth, which can lead to gum disease. In extreme cases, gum disease will affect the implants to the degree that a dentist will have to remove them. To protect your dental implants and your overall oral health, follow these cleaning tips. 1. Brush Mindfully Sure, you brush your dental implants every morning and evening, but how much attention do you pay while doing it?

4 Signs You Need to See a Dentist for a Root Canal Procedure

A root canal removes infected pulp from the inside of a tooth to stop the decay. During this procedure, your dentist treats the infected tooth for bacteria and fills the gaps left by the infection. This treatment prevents an infected tooth from decaying even further. The best way to identify if you need a root canal is by consulting with a dentist. However, there are several signs that you should observe.

Is Your Child Seeing The Dentist Enough?

It can be hard enough convincing yourself to go to the dentist, and children are a whole other beast. There are many reasons why it makes sense that a child might be scared of the dentist. Bright lights, interesting equipment and people in white coats can all be out of the comfort zone for most children; however, modern dentists are much more aware of this effect and endeavour to be more hospitable to kids.

What Are Deep Cleanings and Why Would You Need One?

If you have severe gum disease, then your dentist may have said you need a deep cleaning. Deep cleanings are a regular general dentistry procedure. However, many people don’t know much about it or if they should go through with having it done. Here is more to know about deep cleanings, how your dentist determines you need one and what the procedure involves. What Are Deep Cleanings? Deep cleanings are more extensive than the regular maintenance cleanings that you get every six months.

How Is It Possible for a Dental Filling to Leak?

In terms of general dentistry, having a cavity filled is about as general as it gets. It’s an efficient means of plugging the hole in your tooth while offering a predictable outcome. Of course, this outcome isn’t always as predictable as you and your dentist would like. How is it possible for a dental filling to leak? And more importantly, does this pose a risk to your tooth and overall dental health?

When Extreme Gingivitis Becomes a Dental Emergency

Gingivitis is a typical dental complaint—very typical in fact. Some 20% of Australian adults are affected by gingivitis, and it’s generally caused by poor dental care, as in not taking care of your teeth at home. Sure, it’s a problem, but it’s not a serious one. It could hardly be thought of as a dental emergency, could it? Treating Gingivitis Cases of gingivitis can usually be addressed during a standard check-up, combined with an improvement of the patient’s at-home dental care.

Why You Might Need Wisdom Teeth Removal Dental Services

Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to erupt, meaning that the chances are high that they may not find enough room to erupt. This explains what you may have heard being referred to as an impacted tooth. What Is an Impacted Tooth? If a wisdom tooth lacks space to erupt, maybe because you have small gums, several things can happen: The wisdom tooth may fail to erupt and grow parallel to your gums The wisdom tooth can grow angled, fail to erupt and start leaning or pushing on the adjacent tooth inside your gum  The wisdom tooth can start to erupt angled, where it pushes on the crown of the adjacent tooth (you can see the tooth, but it will be angled) In most of the cases mentioned above (where the tooth is located inside your gum), the wisdom tooth needs to be extracted through surgery.

What Is Cosmetic Dentistry And How Can It Improve Your Life

Science has proven that there’s more to smiling than an impulsive expression of contentment or a means of making people around you comfortable. Smiling has been found to lead to positive neural messaging in your brain, which can essentially improve your mood. Unfortunately, however, many adults and teenagers are self-conscious when it comes to their smile. This insecurity can lead to an unwillingness to smile and cause the concerned party to miss out on all the benefits of this natural, spontaneous action.

Top Strategies for Calming Patients with Dental Anxiety

Despite the myriad of benefits that patients get from maintaining oral hygiene, some people still dread visiting a dentist. Unbeknownst to most people, dental fear and anxiety are common among adults and might lead to extreme oral complications if not addressed. Therefore, dentists try to devise ways to help affected patients beat their anxiety. While dentists can use different strategies, only a few are easy to implement and yield the desired results.

The Procedure You Should Follow to Get Your First Pair of Dentures

People lose their teeth as a result of conditions such as gum disease, trauma to the mouth and tooth decay. When this happens, dentists may design dentures to replace the missing teeth. Dentures are the prosthetic teeth that replace your natural teeth to help you chew food and restore your smile. A professional prosthodontist can help you determine whether it is time to start wearing dentures. The specialist will also take the measurements inside your mouth, create moulds, and use them to make dentures for you.

4 Reasons to Brush Your Tongue as Well as Your Teeth

When you brush your teeth, do you brush your tongue, too? Although the focus is usually on your teeth and gums, your tongue is important to your oral health, too. The main reason for this is plaque. Plaque is the unpleasant substance that grows on your teeth and feels rough when you run your tongue over it. But more plaque forms on your tongue than your teeth, and it is plaque that causes the following four problems.

Signs that You Need Denture Repairs

With your dentures, you are able to show off your perfect smile and live your life to the fullest. If taken proper care of, your dentures can last for a lifetime. However, certain factors can cause your dentures to wear and tear after some time. You should seek denture repair services from your dentist as soon as any damage occurs to your dentures. Dentists have the right skills and equipment to restore the condition of your dentures, making them fit you perfectly once again.

Two common issues people experience when trying to reverse periodontal disease

Many people with periodontal disease experience certain issues when trying to reverse it. Here are the two most common issues, along with a few tips on how to handle them. Struggling to floss without hurting their gums When a person’s dentist diagnoses them with periodontal disease, they will usually not only provide in-clinic treatments but will also advise that the person floss far more often, in order to remove inflammatory bacterial plaque and food from between the teeth (as the presence of these things near the gums could make it harder to reverse this disease).

Scenarios That Should Have You Enlisting Paediatric Dentist Services

As long as your child has teeth, even just their milk teeth, then they require routine visits to a kids’ dentist so that their teeth can receive the developmental care needed to grow and stay healthy. Nevertheless, some parents may overlook dental visits presuming that any damage milk teeth acquire will easily be negated once the tooth falls off. In reality, some situations need the attention of a reputable kids’ dentist so that your child does not have to contend with additional trauma down the road.

When Painful Wisdom Teeth Can Indicate a Serious Problem

Do you hate the idea of leaving a task only half-finished? Sometimes you will have very little control over this, and this can be the case with your wisdom teeth. These pesky third molars often only partially erupt, emerging from your gums, growing upwards, and then seemingly giving up before matching the height of your other molars. Ideally your wisdom teeth won’t give you any trouble, but they certainly have the potential to do so.

The DIY Teeth Whitening Gamble and Why You Shouldn't Toss Your Coin Just Yet

Everybody wants their pearly whites to shine even brighter to help improve their smile. However, not everyone can afford the maintenance behind a professionally-managed teeth whitening, hence the increased need for at-home teeth whitening products. These days, drug store teeth whitening kits such as whitening strips and toothpaste are the preferred cheaper teeth whitening alternative to going to the dentist. The results of the DIY whitening remedies are often short-lived and could end up being expensive in the end, especially if they damage the surface of your teeth.

Can You Disinfect Your Dentures in the Microwave?

Regular cleaning keeps your dentures clean, but you may worry that this isn’t enough to keep them hygienic. It can be hard to clean off all the germs that can live on false teeth. Your teeth and their plates have tight spots and crevices that you can’t clean easily. If you’ve looked up ways to disinfect your dentures, you may have seen reports that some people put their dentures in their microwaves to kill residual germs.

The basics of a tooth extraction

While tooth extractions are a common procedure, they can cause patients to worry due to the pain involved. Tooth extraction is a necessary procedure for a variety of reasons such as to remove a broken, decayed or infected tooth. Tooth extraction process Before the tooth extraction process, a patient is injected with an anesthetic to numb the area. The anesthetic prevents pain and helps the patient sleep through the extraction. In some instances, the dentist may have to remove a tooth in pieces.

A Dental Shock Absorber: How Your Teeth Can Act As Shock Absorbers

Teeth may look simple from the outside, but inside they are anything but. Each tooth is equipped with the biological tools it needs to replenish and regenerate itself should the need arise. And, like the rest of the human body, which scientists recently discovered was covered with a network of shock absorbers, teeth also have their own shock absorbers. As a result, if you suffer a fall and bang a tooth, your tooth’s ability to absorb pressure will reduce the damage.

Tips for choosing the best whitening toothpaste

If you have yellow or stained teeth, you may be looking for toothpaste that can restore your smile. There are many toothpaste brands on the market that can gradually whiten your teeth. However, choosing the best one for you can be challenging. Toothpaste advertising is all over the place and you may feel overwhelmed when making a decision. To get you started on the right path, you should look out for certain key ingredients that every whitening toothpaste should contain.

How Can a Broken Tooth Be Reattached?

It shows the amazing state of contemporary medicine when doctors are able to reattach a limb that has been lost due to an accident. Did you know that an emergency dentist has the ability to reattach a tooth that has been knocked out? This is not something that can happen at a later date, and it’s critical that you get to the dentist immediately if the process is to have a chance of success.

Are There Any Side Effects to Teeth Whitening?

Tooth whitening is a very common cosmetic treatment to remove staining from the teeth and brighten up your smile. It is often done at home, either with whitening strips or trays containing a bleaching agent, which fit over your teeth. But are there any drawbacks to these techniques? Tooth Sensitivity One problem that many patients report is increased sensitivity in the teeth. Mostly people report increased sensitivity to temperature, when eating hot or cold food for example, or sensitivity to air when breathing through the mouth.

Creative Ways for Keeping Children Calm During Orthodontic Procedures

For an orthodontist, ensuring that a patient is calm is fundamental to achieving the desired results. However, it can be a challenge when dealing with kids considering that your office is a haven for needles and drills. Successful orthodontic procedures, therefore, depend on your ability to keep children calm before, during, and after treatment. Coming up with ingenious ways to tackle anxiety in young patients is critical. Read on to find out creative ways of keeping children calm during orthodontic procedures.

A Denture Adventure Abroad: 4 Precautions for Denture Wearers When Going on Holiday

Modern Australians are known for their wanderlust, jetting off to far-flung locations like Indonesia, Thailand and China. As a denture wearer, you face additional challenges when visiting other countries, especially non-English-speaking countries. Being on the move in a foreign country with different customs, cuisines and languages requires you to be extra careful with your dentures. Should anything happen to your dentures—for example, if you misplace them—the rest of your holiday could be a real struggle.

Understanding the Different Types of Braces

Orthodontics does not only serve to improve your smile. The dental procedure also promotes your oral health because keeping crooked or misaligned teeth clean can be quite difficult, which can increase the risk of tooth decay and even gum disease. Braces are the most common form of orthodontic treatment. They come in different types and while your orthodontist will always recommend the best type based on your dental problem, knowing a thing or two about each type is worthwhile.

What to Do When Your Dental Veneers Are Damaged

Arguably one of the most remarkable things about many aspects of modern dentistry is that only you and your dentist will generally know that the work has been performed. All anyone else will see is a seamless blending of your natural teeth and the prosthetic teeth that have been fabricated and installed. And since it’s seamless, nobody should be able to tell that some of your teeth might have been fabricated especially for you.

Dentistry from the Heart: How to Identify a Dental Practice That Cares

Few, if any, people look forward to having dental work done. It can be painful, embarrassing and expensive. It’s no surprise then, that 7 million Australians delay dental treatment. Many people don’t seek out a dentist until driven to do so by pain or fear. Of course, by then it is too late to take preventative measures. If you are procrastinating about booking a dental appointment, it may well be because you are uncertain about the kind of experience you will have.

Malocclusions — What Do You Need To Know?

Orthodontic treatment primarily focusses on remedying malocclusions. However, not many people may be aware of what this term means. The word malocclusion refers to any form of misalignment that your teeth may develop. And there are several reasons why you could be affected by this dental problem. For a good number of people, malocclusions are due to their genetics. However, you could also develop this condition steadily over a period of time because of negligent oral care or perhaps due to trauma to your mouth.

Ways to Relieve Dental Pain While Waiting for an Emergency Dental Appointment

Severe dental pain can be unbearable and far from convenient in today’s busy world. While getting to an emergency dentist is the best thing you can do to treat and relieve dental pain, there are ways to provide short-term pain relief as you wait for your appointment. Vanilla, peppermint, lemon or almond extract Although commonly used as tasty ingredients to flavour your foods, these extracts do wonders for numbing tooth and mouth pain.

Nailing the Problem of Plaque: Why Removing Plaque With Your Fingernails Is Unhealthy

Plaque, the thin bio-film on your teeth, contains millions of bacteria. If not removed each morning and night, that army of bacterial organisms will contribute to gum disease and tooth decay. Within around 12 days, plaque hardens into tartar and becomes almost impossible to remove on your own. However, using your nails to remove plaque can do more harm than good. Yes, your teeth are better off without plaque, but using your nails instead of a toothbrush will create problems that only a dentist can solve.

Under The Gum: Caring For Your Oral Health As A Diabetic Denture User

If you live with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes, you are more than aware of the complexity of the disorder and the many ways in which it can affect your health. With so many different health issues to keep an eye on at any one time, it’s little wonder that the deleterious effect diabetes can have on your oral health is often over looked, and many diabetes sufferers wear dentures to replace teeth lost to diabetes-related dental problems, such as gingivitis and tooth decay.

Two tips for new denture-wearers

If you have just recently started wearing dentures, here are a couple of tips which you may find useful: Don’t ignore long-term discomfort It is very common for people to find their dentures uncomfortable to wear initially. It can take up to two weeks for the oral tissues to adjust to the presence of this dental device; during this period, the wearer may notice some gum irritation and general soreness in their mouth.

Invisalign Refinement Explained: What It Means When Your Orthodontist Says You Need a Refinement

The average course of Invisalign takes twelve months. However, even though dentists are able to map out the course of your treatment with a sophisticated computer program called ClinCheck, your treatment may require a little tweaking. This could occur mid-course or at the end of your planned treatment plan and is known as a refinement. Invisalign Refinements Are Quite Common Refinements are not due to the incompetence of the orthodontist. The fact is that no matter how advanced a computer program like ClinCheck is, it cannot account for your body’s natural responses.

Should You Consider Permanent Dentures?

Also called bridges, permanent dentures are an alternative to removable dentures. If you are missing teeth and looking for a solution, there are a number of reasons you may want to consider permanent dentures. Here’s what you need to know. Benefits of Permanent Dentures The key benefit of permanent dentures is that they are permanently affixed to your mouth. You don’t have to worry about losing them as you do with regular, removable dentures.

Water Flossing Vs. String Flossing: Which One Is Best For Your New Dental Bridge

A dental bridge is an investment in self-confidence as it gives you back a beautiful smile. Not only does the bridge fill in the missing tooth, but it also makes sure your face retains a natural shape. However, now you have a bridge ordered, and under construction, it is important to think about the cleaning process. Flossing plays a big part in keeping a dental bridge clean, and you have two flossing options.

How Wisdom Teeth Tell Us That Life Is Not Always Fair

The human body has adapted well over the centuries to changes in lifestyle, diet and environment. The typical adult is very different, therefore, to their Neolithic counterpart. However, some parts of the body are yet to “catch up” and present characteristics that are simply not required in the modern-day world. This certainly accounts for why people have to deal with their wisdom teeth, which are always superfluous to their needs. If you’re only learning about these “

When Teeth Attack Tongues at Twilight: How to Stop Biting Your Tongue Whilst Sleeping

Night time tongue biting is both painful and frustrating. Ulcers (canker sores) are frequently the result of nocturnal tongue biting as wounds become infected, making eating and speaking difficult. What’s worse is that there is no way of knowing whether you’ll bite the exact same spot the following night, and no way of preventing it from happening. So, what’s causing you to attack your own tongue at night? While tongue biting is also associated with a rhythmic movement disorder, which is common in children, and night time seizures during which the sufferer is unconscious, this article does not cover those cases.

How to Keep Your Child Happy at Their First Ever Dental Appointment

Your child’s first visit to the dentist should be soon after their first tooth appears — don’t wait until there’s a problem to take them. The first visit can be scary for children, and a bad experience may color their opinion of the dentist for the rest of their life, so it’s important to make sure everything runs smoothly. Follow the four tips below and your child should be happy and comfortable throughout their visit.

How Night Guards Can Work Their Magic to Help You with Your Bruxism

Do you wake up each morning with pain in your jaw area? Does your partner complain about you making a noise when you’re sleeping? These are signs that you may be developing a nasty habit called “bruxism.” Over time, it will generate unusual patterns of wear in your teeth, because you are quite literally grinding them away. You may have heard of night guards and how they can help to alleviate the major symptoms.

5 Steps to Reduce Gum Irritation

When your gums are sore, brushing your teeth and even eating can be a painful experience. You may notice blood when you spit toothpaste into the sink. Sore gums can be a symptom of gum disease, so it is important to book an appointment with your dentist to find out what is causing the irritation. In the meantime, here are five things you can do to soothe your irritated gums so you can eat and maintain your dental hygiene.

4 Things to Know If You Haven't Been to the Dentist for a Long, Long Time

If you haven’t been to the dentist in 10 years or more, you may be wondering what to expect during your first appointment back in the chair. Ultimately, the experience will be different for everyone, but there are a few things you may want to know before you go. Here’s what to keep in mind. 1. You Are Not Alone The wisdom of the day indicates that people should go to the dentist once a year, and some people even recommend going more frequently for cleaning.

Why Denture Repairs Are Necessary

Most dentures are made from a comfortable and durable material called acrylic resin. Complete dentures can last between five and ten years, but some can last for much longer periods. It is therefore understandable that some users of dentures may be unaware that it is necessary to repair dentures after prolonged use even if they are not accidentally broken while in use. A number of factors contribute to damage, necessitating repairs.

Knocked Out Tooth? 3 Things You Have to Do to Save It

There can be something rather shocking about losing a tooth. It’s a part of you, and an object that should be firmly attached to your gum is now on the ground, or perhaps rolling around inside your mouth. If you act quickly, it can be possible for a dentist to reattach the tooth. This is of course preferable to leaving the situation as is, necessitating an expensive dental implant or partial denture further along the road.

Important Preventative Treatments in Children's Dentistry

There are many reasons to start taking your child to a dentist regularly as soon as they get their first teeth. A child dentist can check the teeth are growing properly, spot any signs of inadequate brushing and check for issues with the child’s bite. Getting used to the dentist at as young an age as possible also minimises the chances of developing a phobia later in life, which in turn makes sure your child will grow up with good habits and excellent dental health.

How to Avoid Breaking Your Dentures

If your dentures break, you may be able to get them repaired, but in some cases such as when they are broken in half, you may need to replace them. If you want to avoid either of these expenses, there are specific things you can do to avoid needing a repair. To protect your dentures, take these ideas into account. 1. Consider Permanent Dentures One of the easiest ways to avoid repairs is to just opt for permanent dentures.

Natural Ways of Teeth Whitening

Many people desire whiter teeth that are healthy and well maintained. Apart from giving you a beautiful and attractive smile, white teeth which is a sign of good maintenance, gives you a strong biting ability and shapes your face. Various products can be used to enhance the ability of making your teeth white. However, most of them use chemical products that literally bleach your teeth to make them white. This is a concern to many people as the method may not only harm your teeth, it may also lead to ingestion of toxic substances into your body system.

5 Misconceptions About Dental Implants

Dental implants are a great option to consider if you are missing a tooth. Unfortunately, there are a lot of myths about dental implants, and some of these misconceptions may keep you away from the help that you need. To point you in the right direction, here’s a look at some common misconceptions and the truth behind them. 1. Misconception: Anyone Can Get Implants. Unfortunately, not everyone is a great candidate for dental implants.

Appropriate Care for Your Teeth after Bonding Procedures

Just like any other medical procedure, dental bonding often leaves uninformed patients wondering about what would happen to them following the procedure. Well, these anxieties are normal considering the level of risk that comes with the procedure, and the fact teeth are pretty delicate and require lots of care after a bonding procedure. The risks range from allergic reactions infections (these two are rare though) to damage and wearing of the bonding material used to restore your teeth.

What Is Triclosan and Why Is It in My Toothpaste?

In 2016, the Federal Drug Administration in the United States banned manufacturers from putting the antibacterial ingredient triclosan in soaps, and now Australian regulators are thinking of doing the same. Meanwhile, triclosan is often found in toothpaste, and there’s no sign of manufacturers taking steps to remove it. Why is an ingredient that regulators think is too dangerous to regularly apply to your skin allowed to exist in a product you put in your mouth?

Why Poor Dental Care Can Have Larger Repercussions Than You Might Have Thought

Many Australians today are investing in complex healthcare plans and spending good money to get full wellness exams. They want to be aware of the state of their overall health, and they want to take as many precautions as possible to stave off the onset of disease. While this is a good and proactive approach, many of these same people will put off a visit to the dentist, not realising the broader impact this may have.

3 Important Reasons to Have Hardened Plaque Removed Prior to Teeth Whitening

When plaque isn’t properly cleaned away through a good oral healthcare regime, it can harden onto the teeth, becoming what is known as tartar or calculus. Unfortunately, even the most stringent home cleaning cannot always prevent tartar, so you should really have a hygienist clean it away professionally. This is always a good idea, but it’s particularly advantageous to have your plaque build-up removed before you have your teeth whitened, and here are just three reasons why.

What You Should Do If Your Child Appears to Be Missing One of their Permanent Teeth

Usually, children will lose the last of their baby teeth just before they reach their teenage years. It’s a natural process, where each outgoing tooth is replaced almost right away by a permanent one. However, sometimes this does not progress as planned and the permanent tooth may not appear. If this is the case with your child, what do you need to do next? Why Do Problems Arise? There are a number of reasons why a permanent tooth could be missing in this situation.

Is Your Bad Breath a Sign of Something More?

Bad breath, or halitosis as it’s sometimes known, is undoubtedly an embarrassing problem. Luckily, it’s normally down to one of two things: poor oral hygiene or dietary causes. Because of that, it’s generally easy to control. Sometimes, however, it’s not as simple. And, while there are a range of lifestyle factors that may be behind breath that smells bad, it could be more than that. When bad breath just won’t go away, despite being careful with food and looking after teeth, it’s possible there might be a medical condition behind it.

What to do with damaged or poorly fitting dentures

Dentures are false teeth which are specially made to fit the mouth to replace missing teeth. They are convenient to wear and can restore confidence in the looks of an individual if correctly fitted. In addition, they make eating and speaking easier, but they need to be looked after. The Australian Dental Prosthetists Association (ADPA) recommends that dentures should be brushed nightly. Poorly maintained dentures can create problems. Food remnants collecting underneath them can turn rancid, and bacteria feeding on such remnants can spread to adjoining oral tissue leading to an infection.

Which of These 4 Conditions is Causing Your Toothache?

Toothache is not only painful, but also a source of worry for many people. When your tooth starts hurting, your brain may immediately go into overdrive, imagining the extensive dental procedures you will need to fix the problem. Before you panic, take the time to learn about the common causes of toothache. 1. Thinning Enamel Sometimes, toothache is a sign that the enamel on your teeth is getting thin. Enamel not only prevents bacteria from getting inside your teeth, but also protects the nerve inside every tooth from painful stimuli.

Using Oral Appliance Therapy to Combat Obstructive Sleep Apnoea

Obstructive sleep apnoea is a common sleep problem that affects both adults and children. The condition causes sufferers to stop breathing very briefly several times a night as they sleep, and this happens as a result of soft tissue at the back of your throat collapsing and blocking your airway. Apnoea episodes can reduce your oxygen levels and cause you to have poor quality of sleep. Here’s an overview of the causes and signs of obstructive sleep apnoea and how oral appliance therapy can provide relief from this condition:

Understanding Your Options for Dental Treatments and Procedures

Today’s family dentists and cosmetic dentists can offer you several treatments and procedures that are fast, painless, and affordable, and which can keep your teeth healthy, as well as looking their best. If you’re wondering if there is a solution for your dental concerns, note a few options you might discuss with your dentist at your next dental appointment. Severe cavities and holes Don’t assume that filling cavities means having to suffer through shots, drilling the tooth, and fillings.

Understanding & Avoiding Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

Every parent wants their child to get the best start in life, so you do the best you can to ensure they’re healthy, happy, and properly looked after. A big part of this, of course, is taking them to a doctor regularly and whenever there’s a problem, and as soon as their teeth start growing, making sure they see the dentist often. When it comes to dental care, it’s not just about the check-ups, either.

Think You're Not Eligible for Dental Implants? Think Again, As Much Has Changed

A couple of generations ago, you may have faced fewer options when it came to replacing any lost teeth than you do today. The industry simply didn’t have the technology or the expertise to perform some of the everyday tasks that you can rely on now, if you want to rebuild your bite and functionality. If you’ve had a number of teeth removed but never replaced, what should you do now to take advantage of these changes?

Signs You Need to See Your Dentist, and Soon!

It’s usually recommended that adults visit their dentist annually or even more often than that, so they can have their teeth x-rayed and examined for signs of damage, and to get a thorough cleaning as well. However, there are times when you may want to see your dentist before your next check-up; you may not have an actual dental emergency, but you also may not want to wait several months for an exam if you experience any of the following.

Could Your Discoloured Teeth Be a Sign of Something Else?

Many people are choosing to have their teeth whitened nowadays, as whiter teeth are often perceived as being more attractive. While off-white teeth are often caused by factors like diet and dental hygiene, there are sometimes other underlying causes that may not be immediately obvious. In some cases, there could be a medical condition that is causing the teeth to be discoloured. If you’ve tried to keep your teeth white by taking care in what you eat and drink, and you always take excellent care in your brushing routine, take a look at these possible causes and see if any of them could apply to you.

How Your Family Dentist Does Teeth Whitening

The family dentist is the go-to health practitioner for issues relating to the health and well-being of the teeth, mouth and oral cavity. The family dentist attends to the dental problems of every family member irrespective of age and may refer a family member to a dental specialist if necessary. Teeth whitening is one of the primary roles of the family dentist. As part of natural ageing, the teeth become more discoloured as we get older.

Is It a Dental Emergency, or Can You Wait for Your Next Appointment?

If you’re ever concerned about any type of health problem, including anything that might be wrong inside your mouth, you don’t want to put off getting emergency treatment. It’s always best to err on the side of caution and have potential emergency conditions treated as quickly as possible, rather than thinking your condition will clear up or that it’s not so serious. However, if you still have questions about emergency dental care, note a few tips that can tell you if you’re having a true emergency, or if you can wait until your next appointment with your family dentist to have your mouth and teeth examined.

Different Dental Crowns You Could Use For Restorative Treatment

Dental crowns are one of the most versatile restorative treatments that you could opt for as they can remedy a wide assortment of imperfections such as cracks, chips, discoloration and even broken teeth. The dental crown is designed to entirely encase the surface of your tooth, which works to camouflage the damage that the tooth has acquired. Some dental crowns are also known to provide a layer of protection to the affected tooth, which would help in preventing additional damage.

Why Home Cleaning and Professional Dental Cleaning Are Not the Same

It’s amazing how many people get confused when it comes to looking after their teeth. They may be perfectly convinced that their daily cleaning regime is top-quality and be happy that they brush and floss twice each day. They may think that they have a good quality toothpaste and make sure that they don’t eat too many food items that could damage the enamel. As a consequence, they may not think that they need an additional dental cleaning, but this is an entirely different type of operation.

When You May Need Orthodontics Rather Than Cosmetic Dentistry

oYou may assume that an orthodontist straightens teeth only to make them look good and that you should just see a cosmetic dentist to have your crooked teeth capped or bonded so they look straight and attractive. However, an orthodontist not only improves the look of teeth, but also corrects their actual alignment. There are many reasons why you may need to have your teeth realigned rather than just covered; note when you may need to see an orthodontist versus a cosmetic dentist, for addressing your crooked teeth.

Why Most Australians Could Do with Some Orthodontic Treatment

If you’ve never had any form of dental treatment in your life, you are a very lucky individual, indeed. The vast majority encounter dental decay, which typically starts in adolescence and continues throughout life. This is especially prevalent in countries with high calorie diets, such as Australia. This can invariably lead to the loss of teeth, but it’s not acceptable to simply deal with missing numbers and carry on. What do you need to consider, when it comes to your dental functionality?

Held Back by Yellow Teeth: How Teeth Whitening Can Restore Your Confidence in Your Smile

Nowadays, whenever you turn on the TV you’re treated to an array of gleaming white smiles, each of which appears as though it was carved from ivory just the day before. If your own teeth are a few shades darker, it can be disheartening to see so many perfect smiles on display. However, it is normal for teeth to become discoloured over time, especially if you enjoy staining foods such as blueberries, coffee and pasta sauce.

How a Compromise Could Help You When Considering Dental Replacements

If you know that you have to get replacement teeth in order to chew your food properly and restore your enjoyment of life, then you may wonder what your options are. You may have lost a number of your natural teeth, but may also not be aware of what happens when you do so. The actual structure of the bone and gum can change in this case, even though it’s all quite subtle.

Why Laser Dentistry Is Becoming Increasingly Popular

Anxiety for upcoming dental visits is something a significant number of people suffer from. Not only are these visits associated with pain, but also much of the dental equipment tends to vibrate and make loud sounds that could exacerbate this anxiety. Luckily, advancements in the dental industry have brought about the advent of laser dentistry. As the name implies, this type of dentistry makes use of a laser to carry out different dental treatments.

Six Serious Oral Health Issues Associated with Chronic Dry Mouth

Research published in the Australian Dental Journal suggests that approximately 1 in 5 people report some form of dry mouth, which is referred to medically as xerostomia. It refers to a condition in which the mouth is unable to produce a healthy flow of saliva. Despite the prevalence of the problem, not many people understand just how damaging it can be. Here are just six possible oral health complications associated with xerostomia.

Ready for Braces But Don't Know What's Involved? What You Should Know:

What has happened to your smile over the years? Have you been putting up with an appearance that is not really to your satisfaction, but haven’t taken any action since you’re unsure how to proceed? You may know that braces are needed in order to put everything right, but have a lot of questions in your mind before you schedule a visit. What do you need to know before you take the plunge?

When to See Your Dentist About Gum Changes

When you assess your own smile in the mirror, you may primarily consider your teeth. However, for good overall oral health, the soft tissues in your mouth must also be looked after. One of the most overlooked elements of a healthy smile is resilient, supportive gum tissue. Make a habit of checking your gums as part of your oral hygiene routine. Pay attention to the following potential changes. Abnormal Color

Key Factors Cosmetic Dentists Consider When Providing Teeth Whitening Service

Having discoloured teeth can be an extremely stressful thing because this kind of dental defect cannot go unnoticed. As you eat, talk, smile or laugh in the presence of other people, your unsightly teeth will be exposed, killing your confidence and self-esteem. The good news is that teeth discolouration is an aesthetic dental issue that can be remedied with teeth whitening.  Teeth whitening is carried out or supervised by dental specialists known as cosmetic dentists.