2 Common Types of Dental Implants

Many people suffer tooth loss due to periodontal disease, injuries, or tooth decay. In the past, the only solution to this problem was dentures and bridges. Nowadays, dental implant treatment offers a much-welcome lasting solution for missing teeth.

Dental implants are artificial roots that a dentist inserts into a jawbone. The device creates a base to support artificial teeth (dental crowns). 

Discover two main types of dental implants that seek to restore your missing teeth.  

Endosteal Implants

These are the most popular type of dental implants. They are also safe and have a high success rate for most patients. Endosteal implants are screw-shaped with a structure made from titanium. However, the insertion procedure is a little intensive. As such, patients have to meet the following conditions.

  • The patient must have a healthy jawbone. Over time, the implant fuses with the jawbone. A weak jawbone prevents proper fusion, which creates a weak base. 
  • The patient should have healthy oral tissue. If you suffer from a condition that can affect the healing process, you might not be eligible for an implant. Gum problems such as periodontal disease weaken your jawbone.  Making it impossible for you to get a dental implant. 

An endosteal implant takes a few weeks to heal and fuse with the jawbone. After that, an artificial tooth is placed on top of it. These implants are designed to fuse with your jawbone; thus, they look and feel like natural teeth. They improve your appearance, which can significantly boost your self-esteem. 

However, you need to refrain from using tobacco products. Such products affect the mineral compounds in the jawbone, causing it to lose its density.

In addition, tobacco also delays the healing process after dental surgery. The carbon monoxide produced during smoking reduces oxygen in the blood. Oxygen is essential for wound recovery and a shortage only prolongs the healing process.

Mini Dental Implants 

Mini dental implants are also known as temporary anchorage devices. They are an ideal alternative for patients who don't want permanent implants. Generally, these dental implants consist of a socket, ball and rubber ring. They are usually smaller than other types of implants. Even so, they serve the same purpose as traditional implants. 

The installation procedure is fast and patients don't need sutures or stitches. Recovery is also quick and you can resume your normal everyday life in a few days. However, patients who opt for mini dental implants must maintain good dental hygiene. These implants tend to wear down or decay if you don't take good care of your teeth.

Implants need the same oral care as natural teeth. So, ensure that you brush, floss and rinse them with antibacterial mouthwash regularly. You also need to keep to regular dental check-ups so you don't miss out on an issue.  

For more information on dental implants, contact a professional near you.
