Ready for Braces But Don't Know What's Involved? What You Should Know:

What has happened to your smile over the years? Have you been putting up with an appearance that is not really to your satisfaction, but haven't taken any action since you're unsure how to proceed? You may know that braces are needed in order to put everything right, but have a lot of questions in your mind before you schedule a visit. What do you need to know before you take the plunge?

How Much Will It Cost?

This is usually the first question that everybody asks and it's important to remember that you will probably be able to spread the payments over time. Treatment can take a number of months to complete, so you may be able to budget accordingly. Also, you may be eligible to get financing if you need to.

How Long Will It Take?

The only way to know this for sure is to ask your dentist to advise you in your case. This will then determine how many visits to the office you will need. The process can vary, and each individual will need a number of adjustments as things go by, in order to ensure that it's all working correctly.

What Are Braces Made Of?

There are a number of different types of braces, and you can chat with your dentist to see what is best for you. Some people choose to have ceramic options, which can be fitted to either the upper teeth or the lower. If you don't want other people to easily see that you are wearing, then you could choose a special "invisible" type, which is difficult to see when in place.

Will Extractions Be Necessary?

In certain circumstances, an extraction or an adjustment may be needed to provide the best opportunity for the braces to work properly. Often times, however, braces can be fitted to a bracket instead, which will help the process and keep overall costs in check.

What Are Retainers?

Frequently, a retainer is a crucial part of the entire treatment plan. These are specified when the braces are removed and you may be advised to wear them for some time, to finish off the project. These retainers will help to prevent the teeth from moving back from their new position into the original place. Many times these can be worn at night, but some may be specified for limited daytime use. Usually, they're made from clear plastic or rubber.

Still Have Questions?

Each individual's treatment will be different and you need to make your first appointment with the dentist to find out how it will all work for you.
